Wednesday, December 11, 2013

All About Me

My name is Karen Perez I'm seventeen years old I live in Costa Mesa I play soccer it one of favorite sports that I could play day and night without complaining. I play sports with all my cousins especially soccer its like a family tradition for us to play soccer we all play soccer all the time it could all day it is it doesn't matter if it's raining or if its freezing because we still play because its our like our passion to play. I started playing when I was eight years old and didn't start to play in an actual soccer team or league until I was fifteen because I never really wanted to play for the trophies I just wanted to play for fun. 

Most of the time when I play with a couple of friends for hours until one of the teams gets tired. I like to play soccer because when i'm stressed out about something it usually helps me forget about the things that stress me out. It also helps me when i'm mad or when i'm going through a tuff time and when I want to take out anger on something I usually just go outside and hit the ball the hardest I can to a wall or open field until I cool down.

When I'm not playing soccer I'm either on the computer on Facebook, listening to music or I'm outside with a couple of friends. I usually am at home listening to music and playing soccer with my little brothers on the Play station. When I'm with my brothers playing I usually just play soccer because it's the only game that I am good at. Both my little brothers have played soccer in teams at a young too just like the rest of the family. But most of the time I'm usually at home on the computer or out playing soccer with a couple of friends. If not I'm at home listening to music and drawing all over a notebook until I get bored decided to go outside and go for a walk or jog just to get back in shape to start play in a soccer team.

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